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RATIONAL UK, Unit 4 Titan Court, Laporte Way, Portenway Business Park, Luton, LU4 8EF
Rational are famouse for there ovens, used in may profesional kitchens.
01582 480388
This Combi Oven Self Cooking Centre made by Rational and powered by natural gas is a state of the art, versatile appliance that will provide outstanding efficiency in any commercial kitchen. This rational allows users to cook different foods at the same time. It cooks quickly, it delivers the food quality you specify, and it even saves you time, money and energy in the process. Features include, SelfCookingControl© with 7 cooking modes, Combi-Steamer Mode with 3 modes, ClimaPlus Control© – humidity measured, set and regulated, HiDensityControl© – patented distribution of the energy in the cooking cabinet, integrated hand shower with automatic retraction system, core temperature probe with 6-point measurement, 350 programs with up to 12 steps, capacity for 6x 1/1 gastronomes, stainless steel construction and comes complete with stand.

£3495 +VAT

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